Treating the Whole Person
with a Medicine Rich in History.

Free 15-Minute Scheduled Consultation via Phone Call for New Patients

Telemedicine Consultations Available for Patients Nationwide

More than Just Your Typical Acupuncture Service Provider

At RareBird Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Prescriptions, I am committed to providing exceptional Acupuncture services and Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine.  I believe that healing holds within it the alchemical process of transformation. My treatments are specialized and hold deep reverence for cosmology. When we heal within the flow of our lives we begin to co-create with the world around us. We move from resistance to presence. 

Everything in existence has meaning and purpose, the place of separation has no place in healing. 

Schedule an Appointment Now


RareBird Acupuncture offers a wide variety of one-on-one Traditional Chinese Medicine solutions, including Telemedicine. All treatments are customized to support the pace at which your system heals. 


‘Any healing process- whether recovery from infection, physical trauma, or psychological distress-must entail the stimulation and direction of the body’s own restorative functions.  In former times these functions were called the Vis Mediatrix Naturae ‘The Healing Power of Nature.’

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Chinese, Japanese, 5 Elements, Esoteric and Classical-Style Acupuncture

For thousands of years, acupuncture, one of the cornerstones of Oriental Medicine, has recognized energy circulation along pathways in the body. The practice harnesses this understanding of people’s intricate bioelectric systems to preserve and support optimal function and restore balance in the body’s energy circulation.

Acupuncture meridian systems are holographically interconnected maps that form pathways of connections throughout all functional systems within the body, mind and spirit.

My extensive education and training in Chinese, Japanese, Classical, Esoteric and 5 Element styles of acupuncture equip me with a comprehensive skillset to cater to diverse patient needs. I have witnessed the effectiveness of these sophisticated techniques as different individuals respond uniquely to each approach.

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Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbal medicine is a vital facet of traditional Chinese medicine with a rich history dating back 5,000 years. This natural primary healthcare system takes a holistic approach to understanding normal bodily functions, emphasizes prevention alongside treatment, and recognizes individual variations in how diseases present themselves.

By prescribing carefully crafted combinations of herbal formulas drawing from centuries of proven clinical success, Chinese herbal medicine practitioners achieve synergistic effects for enhanced efficacy. When integrated with Western medications under professional guidance, these herbal remedies offer safe and effective treatment options. 

As a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, I am a nationally licensed Chinese Herbal pharmacist completing 4 years of training and national board exams. I specialize in custom herbal formulas and I successfully treat many conditions.  All formulas, custom or patented must be prescribed by me for fulfillment. Read more about custom Chinese herbal formulas.


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Energy Medicine 

In ancient times, “energy medicine” was the foundation of acupuncture. Now, this translates into the meridian charts you see with the lines and points along the body. There are many ways to receive meridian-based treatments and the system itself is vast and interconnected. As a practitioner of Energy medicine, Internal Energy Qigong and Daoist Shamanism, my approach to the meridian pathways remains within their original forms. 

Energy medicine requires participation from the practitioner that goes beyond the standard ‘protocol of points’ style of acupuncture. I often see acupuncture advertised within a western model of medicine. I think this has altered peoples experience of what the systems of acupuncture are capable of when it comes to healing. It separates the roots and foundations of this traditional energy medicine born out of interconnectedness. 

My acupuncture treatments are rooted in energy medicine. I also offer Energetic Healing as a stand alone service.

Esoteric Acupuncture

New Service

Esoteric acupuncture treatments work on the etheric levels of the heart and soul, rather than the physical body at the personality level. Designed to assist the client in raising their own level of consciousness and opening and activating the higher levels of the heart and head centers. This acupuncture meridian system is used with a combination of elementals; including platonic solids, quantum physics and chakra activation. This system can shift and balance frequencies on the physical, etheric and astral levels.  Add on services for this appointment include; guided meditation and tuning fork sound healing 

New patients require a new patient appointment prior to scheduling. 

Animal Healing Sessions

New Service

RareBird Acupuncture now offers healing sessions for animals using Acupressure and Tuina. This is a new service and is only available once a month, additional days may be added in the future. Read all About it.

Energy Medicine Treatments

Coming Soon

Energy Medicine treatments will be available for in-person and telemedicine appointments in 2025.

  Sign up for the newsletter for updated details and scheduling announcements. 

Shamanic Healing Sessions

Shamanic Healing Sessions rooted in ancient Daoist healing traditions. Spiritual healings treating imbalances and illness through a spiritual lens.


Qigong Instruction

The foundations of Qigong breathing and movement are deeply rooted in Chinese Medicine. It can be applied to all levels of healing, organ, bone, tendons and ligaments, emotional and spiritual, recovery from injury and building back vibrant health.

Energy Healing

This healing modality uses cycles and energy patterns, but no acupuncture needles.   

Cosmetic Acupuncture

By stimulating Qi and blood circulations, this treatment brings a natural radiance to your face. The increased blood flow helps moisten the skin and promote collagen production, targeted needling improves muscle tone and elasticity. From a Western medical perspective, this ancient practice increases collagen and elastin production and encourages the regeneration of skin cells. Cosmetic acupuncture is also effective for acne and other skin conditions as well as tight jaws.

At my practice, I combine constitutional acupuncture with cosmetic acupuncture treatments. I also go beyond standard acupuncture services by incorporating ISUN organic skin products, and enhance treatments with facial cupping, gua sha, and crystal rollers for even greater benefits. For those seeking extra care, I offer enhanced acupuncture treatments to address stretch marks and scarring and add on services like derma rolling. Treating specific facial areas along with your entire body can help you achieve a radiant glow inside and out.  Read more about it

Recommended Frequency of Sessions for Great Results

For optimal and lasting results, 12 consecutive treatments followed by one or two yearly follow-ups are recommended. However, even if you choose to come monthly or try it just once, you will still witness glowing results.

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Pediatrics is a practical extension of common Chinese medicine concepts that are applied to children.  At the same time, it is a distinct speciality within Chinese medicine because children present a different energetic framework than adults.  These differences are apparent in all aspects, from energetic anatomy and physiology through assessment, acupuncture points and treatment.

Evaluation and Diagnosis

Children are relatively unable to communicate subtle signs and symptoms. This inquiring phase is conducted with the child and the parent or caregiver.

When a child is 6 or 7 years old, standard traditional Chinese medicine differentiations of tongue and pulse may be applied.

Treatment Options

Treating children is particularly rewarding.  I use non-insertive techniques and Chinese pediatric massage (Tui Na) is a useful treatment for children from birth to approximately twelve years old. Performing this massage on a specific child is adapted to fit their age. Chinese herbal formulas and diet changes may be prescribed. Older children may also get acupuncture if appropriate. 

Common Conditions Treated for Babies and Children

Like adults, conditions can vary. A growing child may experience more stomach aches, constipation, common colds, as well as skin conditions. Other conditions that I treat are insomnia, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and anxiety.

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Home Care and On-site Services

Home care treatments are available for new or existing patients who are not well enough to travel, and for patients approaching end of life. On-site community-style acupuncture services are also available. Please contact me directly to inquire about costs and scheduling.

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Telemedicine Services

Telemedicine is available nationwide and cover many services; Custom Chinese herbal formulas, Acupressure, Median therapy, Qigong instruction, Nutrition consultation, Energy medicine and Guided Meditation.

Achieve optimal health, one treatment at a time.

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Supplementary Therapies Used in Appointments

Your sessions are customized specifically for you. Depending on your treatment needs, additional modalities can be applied to optimize your experience. Not all supplementary therapies are covered by insurance.

These add-on options to traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture services include:

Pulse Diagnosis – Chinese herbal medicine and all of the acupuncture meridian systems use their own unique pulse diagnosis. Pulse diagnosis is the foundation of TCM -Traditional Chinese Medicine. You not only have a pulse heart rate, you have upwards of 17 different pulses on each wrist. I work in the traditional way using the pulse and not the protocol. 

Tui Na Massage Therapy — With a history of use spanning over two millennia in China and Japan, Tui Na is a therapeutic massage technique used to give special treatments to people of all ages. This external form of massage works by using rhythmic compression techniques along the body’s energy channels to promote balance and restore the harmonious flow of Qi.

Tui Na enhances the body’s healing process by combining various hand techniques with acupuncture and other traditional Chinese medicine methods. This versatile therapy can also target specific areas for treatment or improve the overall flow of energy throughout the body. As a complete system, Tui Na effectively addresses both these aspects simultaneously.

Cupping Therapy — Although cupping therapy seems like the latest trend, it’s far from new. With roots in ancient cultures like Egypt, China, and the Middle East, cupping has a longstanding history as a healing method. This therapy method creates suction on the patient’s skin that helps address various ailments such as muscle tightness or the common cold.

Gua Sha — This method is similar to cupping in its effectiveness in treating pain, the early stages of colds and it also used in Cosmetic treatments. There are many different types of tools used for this method. Like cupping, it is a very ancient recognized form of therapy. Gua sha increases circulation in the submucosa of your skin, reducing tight muscles and inflammation and releasing infectious illness through the skin.

Moxibustion — The traditional Chinese medicine technique utilizes the mugwort herb, also known as Artemisia vulgaris or Ai Ye in Chinese, to promote healing by burning it on or near the skin. This ancient treatment is designed to tonify the blood, stimulate Qi flow, and strengthen overall health. Mugwort has been used in folk medicine for generations and is applicable for many stages of healing.

Function Lab Testing and Nutritional supplementation— Functional lab testing is now available at RareBird Acupuncture. Salivary diagnostics is a dynamic and emerging field utilizing nanotechnology and molecular diagnostics to aid in the diagnosis of oral and systemic diseases using oral biomarkers for disease detection. read more about it.

Nutritional supplements are available to support your health and healing, especially if you are not getting proper nutrients through your food. Supplements can be taken alongside your custom Chinese herbal formulas. read more about it 

Chinese Nutritional Counseling — Long before the age of prescription medication, diet was essential to the prevention of disease. In traditional Chinese medicine, nutrition plays a role in optimizing a person’s response to illness and benefits our system by providing it with the balance of the right nutrition and minerals for it to function at its finest. Some diseases in today’s modern times can be treated with nutrition alone; others can be assisted with proper nutrition and hydration.

Electrical Stimulation-  Ion Pumping Cords – This is a Japanse style developed by Dr. Yoshio Manaka. Rather than relying on external electrical sources, the use of ion pumping cords (IPC) revolves around facilitating the flow of your own electrons. This is achieved through a process that allows for the movement of electrons in one direction and provides gentle and effective treatment results.

E-Stim- Attaching currents of electricity directly to the needles to provide specific currents to flow directly into the body.

Infrared Heat Therapy — The Teding Diancibo Pu (TDP) mineral lamp, invented in China in 1978, is another powerful healing tool. By emitting far-infrared light, it directly targets injury sites and painful areas. This process promotes microcirculation, reduces inflammation, and speeds up the body’s natural healing process.

Auricular (ear) Acupuncture- I offer these services in office and on-site in community settings.  My supervisor license allows me to oversee up to 30 NADA practioners. I’m currently supervising clinics for the unhoused community in Santa Fe, and have brought on-site care to the victims of the Hermits Peak Fire as a part of community trauma outreach.

NADA Acu-Detox — The auricular acupuncture protocol of the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA), which was initially developed for addiction treatment, has been adopted as a complementary therapy within a variety of community health settings.  The NADA protocol is ideally offered as a part of a comprehensive model of care.

This widely used protocol offers valuable support for individuals facing substance abuse and seeking recovery. Not only does it aid in the detoxification process, but it also helps address the emotional, physical, and psychological aspects of substance abuse. Additionally, this protocol can assist those aiming to quit smoking and is used in trauma outreach settings. 


"Jean is a gifted healer/D.O.M. I have worked with her for more than a year now and see her regularly - it can be for specific issues but the experience is so supportive that it is also for general care and nurturance. Her care during sessions is extraordinary. She listens intently and asks excellent questions; she combines both incredible knowledge and skill with an intuitive sense. This integration is powerful. Highly recommended."
"Jean is an extremely skillful and intuitive practitioner. I feel fantastic after her treatments."
"Dr. Loscalzo at RareBird Acupuncture is among the most masterful healers I have known. Dr. Jean utilizes her deep knowledge of Chinese medicine and herbs to potently treat patients with her subtle medicine. Dr. Jean seems also to tap both her wisdom and intuition to support not only the physical body, but also the spirit and emotional bodies. Her treatments are skillful, loving, and generous, and ultimately support deep healing at a cellular level. Dr. Jean has treated my hormonal issues, muscular tension, stress, and organ diseases. I am so grateful to her, and could not recommend her more highly."
"Jean is a gentle, nurturing and extremely knowledgeable healer. I went to her feeling very stressed out and worn down and there was an annoying pain behind my right shoulder blade. I have no idea how or why it works, (Jean could explain it) but she got things "moving." I felt like I was shedding layers of armor. It was actually very emotional which I wasn't expecting. When she was finished with my treatment I felt relaxed, rejuvenated and a little sleepy in a very cozy way. The next day I felt totally re-energized."
"I've seen Jean for several treatments for my neck/back injury. She is the BEST in the healing work she delivers on all levels mind, body, spirit. I have less discomfort to continue my active lifestyle and feel more balanced from within. She is a compassionate, knowledgeable expert in her work. Her healing capabilities during all sessions are extraordinary! Cupping therapy she does as well is truly remarkable! I am so lucky and blessed to have found such a great Acupunture/Chinese medicine Dr. Thank you Jean :)"
"In a recent acupuncture session with Jean Loscalzo of Rarebird Acupuncture, she brought to my attention areas of my health that needed support that I would not have otherwise known, as they did not manifest in any obvious 'symptoms'. I was then able to fine tune my daily habits to help those issues before they could turn into bigger health problems. She not only treats her patients physically, but her caring soul and vast knowledge makes her a true spiritual healer. I feel better and wiser after being treated by Jean and highly recommend her treatments to all."
"Jean is truly gifted in her healing abilities. Her treatment is holistic, Jean sits and listens to how you've been feeling, what's going on with you (physically, emotionally, your sleep, your diet, work, stress, etc.). She then uses needles, cupping, moxibustion, gua sha, herbs, etc to tailor that day's treatment. I've seen tangible results after one treatment and the long term results are immeasurable."
"I visited Jean to get a general 'tune-up' and also we addressed some issues I have had with mobility in my shoulder and circulation in my arms and hands. As she went to work, we ended up discussing and beginning to address so much more. In one session, I felt something 'move' or 'open up' that was quite positive in those areas. Jean is extremely knowledgeable about working with the body in a lot of different modes, and was thorough in her questioning in a way that felt very productive. It's a bit hard to put into words, but Jean has a special touch and you will be in good hands with her. If only I lived in Santa Fe so I could visit her regularly!"
"Jean Loscalzo of Rare Bird Acupuncture is wonderful. I have long standing back problems due to an autoimmune disorder. In addition to pain and lack of mobility, it causes sleep problems, thyroid dysfunction, fatigue, and anxiety. She is able to use her many tools to help me to have more energy and pain relief. One very helpful trait is adaptability- I recently came in with severe back pain and she used a variety of techniques that together helped a lot! Her treatments also improve my sleep and stress level tremendously. I can't recommend her highly enough. Thank you for all your help, Jean!"
"I have been doing acupuncture detox with Dr. Jean at Inside Out for over a year now. I have noticed so many changes in my life because of it. When I first started doing acupuncture I wasn’t sure what to expect. I didn’t understand how it even worked but living in recovery has helped me to learn to try new things and step outside of my comfort zone and be willing do the unknown, So, I did. It has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I was having a hard time setting boundaries, having a hard time knowing how I felt, having a hard time expressing how I felt, and slowly the acupuncture helped me to do those things. I think it was at that time when I realized that acupuncture connects your body to your mind, when you mind is in tune with your body WOW, I just can’t explain it. I continue to grow in recovery and when I am not doing acupuncture I can feel the difference. I am so grateful that I get to go to inside out and do acupuncture every week. It has helped me in so many ways."
"Jean is a talented healer and facilitator of Chinese medicine. As a nurse practitioner I am discerning with who I see for healing. Jean has impressed me in her treatments of my physical, emotional and esoteric challenges. Her treatments are a complimentary balance to western medicine. I highly recommend her."
"Dr. Jean is intuitive, highly skilled and creative in her approach to treating her patients. I have seen her off and on for 3 years for a variety of issues and she always listens and comes up with a solution. I highly recommend her!"
"Jean is a gem, caring and concerned with a wealth of knowledge. Her treatment of my various complaints, primarily dealing with aches and pains due to arthritis always gave me relief. I cannot say enough about her treatment of my concerns and highly recommend her to all my friends."
"Jean has a unique way about how she goes about her treatments, combining traditional practices with intuitive abilities. I was amazed how I barely felt the needles going in! I have never experienced this with other practitioners. After my treatments with Jean I discovered health issues that I now have recovered from. Jean’s awareness also helped me to focus on some areas of my body that needed direct attention which has been super valuable. I HIGHLY recommend Jean to anyone seeking relief and guidance in their health and emotional healings."
"I have been seeing Jean regularly for a variety of issues since 2019 and I am deeply indebted to Jean for all of the healing work she’s done for me. I originally reached out seeking aid for a congenital heart issue after I responded poorly to multiple medications - I had read a paper about treating the condition with acupuncture and thought it was worth a shot. My heart issue won’t “go away” without surgical intervention, but the work Jean does drastically reduces the symptoms and, in turn, my stress levels surrounding it. Since I’ve been going to Jean, she has also treated me for a variety of ailments and injuries beyond the heart. She resolved (in a single session, mind you) a very painful lower back issue that I had lived with for years - having seen multiple specialists who couldn’t figure out the problem without attempting something “exploratory” (I have no desire to be opened up unless necessary). She has treated the lingering effects of a shingles infection. She helped me heal my stomach after it was wrecked by one of the heart medications. She has treated me for more minor injuries and problems than I can remember. On the journey to homeostasis, Jean has also guided me mentally and spiritually and helped me work on less physical, though no less important, aspects of my health and wellbeing. In my personal experience, many doctors are in the healing profession but aren’t healers. I think Jean was destined to be a healer regardless of her profession - we just got lucky that she chose to be a doctor and that she's in Santa Fe."

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Get in touch with me today for more details about the acupuncture services and other traditional Chinese medicine therapies I offer. 

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