Bat Medicine

March 27, 2020

By now, you may have read that COVID-19 is suspected of coming through bat-to-human transmission. I’m sharing this excerpt from Ted Andrews’ book, Animal Symbolism, to provide insights, reflection, and support. Please understand that bats are not to blame. Bats did not “create the virus”; they just have an immune system that can cope with it.

Bat Illustration

Across the globe, we are all facing fears. Some of us have lost loved ones. This post is not meant to minimize the impact of our current changes and the fear they invoke in all of us.

“The powerfully symbolic story and imagery of bats reflects the process of transition — part human and part bat (animal). It implies facing your fears and preparing for change — a loss of one’s faculties if unwary about the changes. It also holds the promise of rebirth and coming out of darkness.

The bat is one of the most misunderstood mammals. Modern depictions in movies and television have given it a sinister reputation, but it plays an important role in nature, from feeding on insects to the pollination of many plants. Its guano is also used as fertilizer. This hints that every aspect of facing our fears will have value for us, no matter how messy it may seem to be. It holds the promise of empowerment.

Most people fear transitions, holding onto a “better the devil you know than the one you don’t” kind of attitude. If a bat has flown into your life, you are being challenged to let go of the old and create the new.

Because humans are mammals as well, the bat is an even more important symbol for us. It becomes the symbol of promise amidst the sometimes-chaotic energies of change. It reflects the ability to move to new heights with the transitions. We will not only be able to fly as a result of the changes, but we will also be able to see the world from an entirely new perspective.

The bat is powerful medicine; it can be trying, but it always indicates initiation—a new beginning that brings promise and power after the changes.”

Ted Andrews – Animal Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great and Small



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